Winter Ain’t Fall at Jakarta Fashion Week

Sultan Saiful
3 min readAug 31, 2021

As usual, Jakarta Fashion Week 2020 was held from October 19 to 25, 2019. This annual event held in Senayan City, Jakarta, Indonesia. I would say “welcome” to designers, actors and actresses, creators. If we look closely, this event would be the 13th Icon of Indonesia.

Jakarta Fashion Week 2019

No Winter Season in Indonesia

The Jakarta Fashion Week 2019 echoes into the Fashion World, Industry. At this event , the chairman of the Jakarta Fashion Week, Mrs. Svida Alisjahbana, and CEO of Femina Group, said “We enriched the creative repertoire through collaboration across national borders, industries, generations, even across communities. Through joining Jakarta Fashion Week, Ideal Fest, Brightspot in one container, namely ID Creative Week, this celebration of creativity is certainly becoming more magnificent. “

The celebration explained diplomatic relations with Indonesia, Japan Fashion Week Organization and cooperating with Amazon Fashion Week, South Korea, India and Pakistan.

The basic idea was known summer and rainy seasons, or other thoughts which of course were very unusual for winter models to display in Jakarta Fashion Show 2019. Winter only is coming to Europe, Far East ASIA , and winter was not coming in this season, Jakarta Fashion Week 2020.

