The Day before the Pandemic Spread in my Country and how I Coped when It Affected Me

Sultan Saiful
2 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

During the pandemic, some of us have managed to survive while others continue to suffer and even die. It’s like a never-ending nightmare. But I believe that we can still persevere through this difficult time.

In February 2020, I attended the Second IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference and Workshop for IP Teachers and Researchers at the Faculty of Law UI in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. It was a valuable event where researchers from different countries discussed topics related to intellectual property law.

At that time, COVID -19 was not yet a major concern in Indonesia, so the event went smoothly without any screening of participants. However, after the event ended in early March, news about the spread of the virus and increasing death tolls began to emerge. This was very disturbing, especially since I had just attended an international conference.

I also received news that an Amazon event I was supposed to attend in March was canceled due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. I sympathized with the situation and tried to reduce my anxiety by taking precautions such as drinking ginger and turmeric juice, wearing a mask, washing my hands frequently, and bringing my prayer mat to the mosque.

Recently, the infection rate of Covid-19 has decreased. However, it’s still important to continue taking precautions such as wearing masks and washing hands regularly. Getting vaccinated is also crucial. We must continue to live our lives and fight fear and anxiety with courage.

That’s what I truly believe.

